Monday, March 9, 2009

Worship Confessional Sunday, March 8.

Hello fellow worshippers.
I heard about this blog from my friend Brian Lusky and thought it seemed like a great way to share ideas/successes/failures. I would love to get more connected to leaders and passionate worshippers across the country and world!
So here we go.

I'm Jen Kerr, a long-time worship leader, and new guitar player at Mclane Church. We are located in Edinboro, Erie, and Union City Pennsylvania and we have about 1200 attenders each week when you add all three sites together.

I helped lead at one of my church's multisites this weekend at what we call "Church in a Bar." No alcohol is served, but the service takes place in a local popular nightclub during non-open hours.

Here's out set list for the week.

Holy is the Lord
Mighty to Save
For the Cross


How Deep the Father's Love for Us
You Are God Alone
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)

This week was very heavy on music due to communion and lack of an actual "message"
But sometimes a testimony is more of a message than anything and this was particularly powerful. Tex talked about his past of sexual abuse, neglect, alcoholism, brutal assault and jail time. He proceeded to take the step he'd been struggling with for the past year, threw away his alcohol from the stage, and prayed to accept Christ right in the middle of the service.

Now the music end.
Overall, people seemed to really connect with the worship, and that's the goal.
You could hear lots of congregational singing and more physical expression that usual, not that I think you can judge the heart by the outside, but you know what I mean.
Also, harmonies were tight, and the violin player was especially fantastic.

Some issues(ok there were a lot)
1. There was some awkwardness that comes with two people who are both used to leading trying to work together for the first few times.
2. People tried to clap on Redman's "For the Cross" but it just wasn't working.
3. The other guitar player forgot to capo "Mighty to Save" He was going to play in G capo 2 and my chart was in A. He played in G, no capo. The other musicians adjusted after a few bars, but I can't transpose on the fly to save my life.
4. I missed the key change at the end of "How Deep the Father's Love"
5. Now it was my turn to forget a capo on "You are God Alone." I quickly started over with capo in place (other guitar player thought I should have just kept going) Not sure in retrospect which is better..

It's amazing to me that God can move so powerfully in the face of so many human errors..
I left in awe of Him but also a bit worried (well a lot worried) that my sub-par guitar playing might have been more of a detriment than an aid to worship.

If you're a random reader..I did this as part of sunday setlists. You can read about services from all over the place here.

Thanks for starting this worship community/blog and
if you don't mind..let me know if anyone reads this...


  1. I read this Jen. I'm glad to see that you chose to do this blog. Possibly someday I'll join in.

    The worship was great. You and Brandt really have something special. Sure you two may have a few kinks to work out - mistakes will happen - and you do fall on the early part of the scale when it comes to guitar, but let me tell you that you've come a long way, and If I may add - very quickly. I enjoy playing guitar with you. Not to mention, your guitar ROCKS! The road to being a beginner/okay/good/great/awesome/amazing/legendary guitar player is a long long and sometimes grueling road. I'm glad you joined the journey with all of us who call ourselves guitar players.

  2. #2 on issues.


    i love how you put that.

  3. Welcome to Sunday Set-lists. It's awesome to be able to share our successes and failures with other people who have the same passion for worship. Thanks for sharing. :)

  4. I'll echo Steff, here... welcome! Sounds like you guys lifted the Lord's name high! Keep on posting your sets. We all glean a lot of really helpful info from each other in this network. I love being able to share notes with other worship leaders. Great stuff!


  5. Jen,
    Glad you decided to join us over at Fred's.
    My church is Crosspointe Church. We are located in Oklahoma. :)
