Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Confessional

Most churches see a boost in attendance on Christmas and Easter.. our "Church in a Bar" multi-site is actually the opposite. It seems even "bar" people want to worship in a more traditional environment on a holiday. It's hard not to be disappointed in a small crowd, but God is God, and God is good no matter how big or small the crowd.

So this is what went down in our can check out what's going on in churches all over here.

Worthy is the Lamb (G with choir) Hillsong
Marvelous Light (G) Charlie Hall
My Savior Lives (B) Jon Egan Glenn Packiam
Nothing But the Blood (G) The Swift Version
At the Cross (E) Hillsong
Let the Praises Ring (E) Lincoln Brewster

There were a lot of things working against us.
less volunteers than usual
technical difficulties
drummer dropped out two days before Easter
Sick worship leader (me)

Rocky start.
We moved both mics up for the opening choir number and then I didn't have a mic to I yelled a hello and directed people to sing along with the choir...but, alas, no words on the screen. The easy worship operator could not get it figured out... (what drives me crazy here, it that she kept trying thing after thing and did not put it to a blank screen when she did, so everyone watched her every click)

During the announcements bass player fixed the computer and things were much better and better as the service went on. (Corey can fix almost anything...go Corey)

Even though I was sick, I was somehow able to sing well, and the joy born of the fact that Jesus has overcome death caused me unspeakable joy and freedom in worship despite being so sick..

The small crowd was extremely enthusiastic in worship and it's really an incredible privilege to lead worship on the day we celebrate the most important event in history.
I am beyond thankful.


  1. Hope you're well again soon Jen. And glad that you had enthusiastic worship for Easter, even with a smaller crowd.

  2. That is an interesting observation that the Church in a bar had a small attendance but its' normally one of two most attended places- they must of all went to the big Baptist church down the street- don't feel bad- they'll be back. But I know me, I would rather a small group of enthusiasitc people- than a large group of people that give me the "face".

    Those computer people! argh! don't you love them! haha. I have my own (!) moments with our computer gals/guys- because no matter what it going on in the sanctuary- if something is happening on that screen- People WILL Watch it- no matter what. haha.
    Your songs were great. and I'm sure they sounded amazing!
    Hope you start to feel better

  3. It seems Grace wasn't the only church having technical difficulties yesterday.

    Good set. I'm sure God blessed your faithfulness even while feeling sick. Looking forward to talking to you more later on today.

  4. i think crazy stuff happens every Easter too. Ya just never know where the craziness will come from. I felt bad asking the woman to take her kids to childrens ministry, but they were going nuts and i was really thrown off during my talk. oh well, i love when you lead worship babe! i never tired of how much heart you put into it...[even though you were sick
    :-( ] LOVE U!

  5. We did "At the Cross" too! Great song for Easter.
