Saturday, April 24, 2010

After God's Own Heart

if you could pick a phrase.. what would you want people to remember about you to define your life..

Here's Joe's pick
But I have found this one, who is a man after my own heart. (like David)
Here's what David knows..
1. God's word is true!
2. The Lord is great, gracious, merciful, sustaining, satisfying, saving, near, hearing
3. David loves the presence of the Lord in his live Psalm 27
4. David does the right things (for the most part anyway)
5. When David sins, he responds correctly//repentance//"A broken and contrite heart, you will not despise" Psalm 1:17

What steps are you taking to deepen your knowledge of God these days?
How intense is your persuit of him?
What changes could you make in your schedule or your priorities to deepen your knowledge of His word?
How are you doing on your first love? What's really in your heart?

if you say..nobody would know, but there's some things in my life that shouldn't be going on....
The time to deal with sin is when you first pick up the baby rattle snake
"He gave them over to the stubborness of their hearts" scariest verse in the Bible... please Lord don't let it get to that...

1. Where is my heart?
2. Where does it need the most attention?
-knowing his word?
- loving his presence?
- walking in integrity?
- responding in humility?

"And David accomplished God's purposes for his generation, and then he died" Acts 13:36
That wouldn't be so bad.. would it...
That is Joe's prayer.. is it yours?

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